Mobile Hazards

So there I am sitting on the couch with the boy. He’s closely examining a toy that features things that rattle and crinkle and possibly fit in his mouth. His attention is focused like a laser. The TV is on in the background, but neither of us are watching it. I don’t even remember what was on.

Me, noting that Jack was securely self-occupied, decided to pull out my phone to check Facebook to see if I got a reply to a message I had sent. No reply yet, but I did notice a conversation elsewhere on Facebook in which someone was being wrong and desperately needed to be corrected. Knowing my duty as an American, I dive into the conversation (some people might call me a hero) and start typing out all the reasons why that person was wrong and I was right and how if everyone just listened to me the world would be a better place and…

Say…where’s Jack?

BabyFlash by olivernome.

It seems that while I was doing my duty in making the world a better place, Jack’s attention was diverted to a different toy–one that made noise and flashed lights–and had managed to worm his way across my lap, over a pillow, and was in the process of stretching and reaching for said toy, right along the edge of the couch.


Okay… nobody panic. It’s not a big drop. Yes, I grabbed him by the back of his pajamas and pulled him from the couchy precipice before he could fall all of 20 inches to the carpet.

It wasn’t even a close call, but still.

Apparently the boy is at the age where he thinks he can move around on his own.

My, my, they grow up so fast.

He’s not officially crawling yet. I suspect he’s going to try to skip that phase and go straight on to running. I can see it in his eyes. He wants to stand up. He wants to use those jackrabbit legs of his to propel himself all over the place.

It’s going to be interesting. Before I know it, we’re going to have to do some serious baby proofing. A friend told me that the trick is to go around the house with a yardstick and to treat anything in yardstick range as a potential baby hazard.

Might have to go a bit higher than that. The boy is very curious about everything.

For that, I’m glad. I’d be concerned if he wasn’t.

But it’s now on to us to make sure that his curiosity doesn’t get him into trouble.

That’s going to be tough. How am I going to make sure that everyone Facebook is kept properly informed about Important Matters?

I guess you folks are on your own now. Sorry.



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About jdteehan

John is a proud geek and nerd, a publisher, a freelancer, and a new dad. He's into books, gaming, and music. He's a good cook, a passing musician and artist, and terrible fisherman. The biggest thing in his life right now is being a new dad and he has started a blog all about that. Visit for more on that. Also visit for word on publishing projects.
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