Dear Jackrabbit #15 — The fight for 2017, and not forgetting 2016

Dear Jackrabbit,

Allow me to introduce you to 2017.

New year, baby.

Baby, new year.

(See what I did there?)

Now that’s out of the way, let’s talk.

We see you, 2017, and we’re coming for you.

We’re all looking forward to 2017 being a better year than 2016. This past year, frankly, was a bit of a dumpster fire. You, my boy, were pretty much the only good thing to come out of it.

2016 was plagued with the passing of a number of cultural icons of my generation, as well as the passing of many scientists, artists, writers, and others who all did great things to make this a better world. When you get right down to it, however, this year wasn’t all that unusual. People die. It’s part of life. What made it significant to so many people was that the current generation (who are pretty much in charge of things) has felt the sting more, and modern media kind of amplifies that sting. What’s nice about that–if we’re looking for any kind of silver lining–is that it’s a process that brings people together, and we use the lives of those who have gone on before us to inspire us to be better people in the future.

That’s one lesson. And not a bad one.

Unfortunately, 2016 also revealed a very ugly side of American culture. This year we saw a man openly mocking the disabled, bragging about cheating people, abusing and disrespecting women, dismissing the poor, and cozying up to racists and facsists, and yet a frightening number of people still thought he should be their President. I think one of the hardest things this year is trying to come to terms with knowing that I have neighbors, colleagues, relatives, and even some friends who, this past year, stood up for the dark underbelly of American culture. They embraced the deplorable, and most are oddly proud of it.

A very disappointing year, and very difficult to have any respect for people like that.
As much as we would like to forget 2016 ever happened (with the exception of you, of course), it would be a disservice to this country and to you to forget what happened this year and just “move on”.


We are committed to recognizing people for who they are, the evil as well as the good, and we are committed to making this country and this world a better place in spite of obstacles. I have a great faith in humanity. Good will triumph, but we cannot sit idle. We call evil out, we fight against the rise of facism and the emboldening of racists, sexists, and homophobes. We do this for us, and we do this for you.

It’s 2017, Jack, and it is our duty to move forward.

So we look forward to this year. We look forward to continued health. We look forward to rewarding opportunities. We look forward to life with you, son. We look forward to many things this year and in coming years.

And we look forward to the fight for the future. Your future. Our future. Everyone’s future. We aim to make this world a better place and, thanks to 2016, we know where to start in 2017.

In addition, if there is one thing I can absolutely promise you, Jack, it is this…

Every single day we will love you. Every single day you will be the light of our lives. You are our inspiration.

All our love,


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About jdteehan

John is a proud geek and nerd, a publisher, a freelancer, and a new dad. He's into books, gaming, and music. He's a good cook, a passing musician and artist, and terrible fisherman. The biggest thing in his life right now is being a new dad and he has started a blog all about that. Visit for more on that. Also visit for word on publishing projects.
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