My Diabetic Year #1

If you’re looking for Jack-related content, be aware that I’m shifting the focus of this blog away from Jack for a bit and will, instead, discuss some things going on in my life. This is partly because I’ve realized I need to find a balance between sharing thoughts on being Jack’s dad and Jack’s own right to privacy.

And I need to write more, so hopefully, I’ll turn this into a weekly blog discussing—spoiler alert—my recent Type II diabetes diagnosis. 

Yeah, there it is. Huh. I think part of me figured this was inevitable, but a larger part was hoping it wasn’t. In any case, I had gone to the doctor about three months ago for a checkup and to look into why I was feeling so run down lately. I was hoping for something as simple as an iron deficiency or some other vitamin-involved solution. 

Turns out I had an A1C of well over 14 and a blood glucose reading of almost 700. For those who aren’t aware, normal is around 5 and 75 respectively. I think they were very close to sending me to the hospital because my readings were super-dangerous. How I wasn’t in a coma is a mystery. 

The weird thing is, I generally felt fine. Sure, I had some minor issues, but they were ones I assumed were just a natural part of being over 50. 

In retrospect, it should have been obvious. I mean, all the signs were there. Excessive thirst and urination. Excessive fatigue. Irritability. Low mood. Deteriorating vision. 

Each symptom I wrote off as something else. It was a hot summer, therefore, I was drinking (and peeing) more. I keep a weird sleep and work schedule. Of course, I was often tired. Irritable and depressed? Who wouldn’t be these days? Blurred vision? I just need a new prescription. 

Was that denial or an honest misunderstanding of what was going on?

Likely a bit of both. In any case, there was scant excuse for not taking care of it sooner. I had the insurance, finally. I had the warning signs. I just didn’t take any of it seriously enough. 

Do you want out-of-control diabetes? Because that’s how diabetes gets out of control.

The good news

It’s been nearly three months since my diagnosis and an A1C that was over 14. While I won’t have an official, doctor-tested A1C until the end of October, my estimated A1C according to my little glucose tracker says 6.03. That’s not bad. I need to get it lower, of course, but I’m out of the immediate danger mode. 

How do I feel?

Better, I think. I’m not as always overcome with fatigue as I used to be. That’s a huge plus. My general mood seems to be better. I’m more on top of things work-wise and feeling fairly productive. My vision even improved to what it was maybe six months ago. I need to get more exercise. No question about that. We’re thinking of a family YMCA membership and making good use of that. We had memberships years ago (before Jack) and made the most of it. I think our current insurance will help defray some of the cost for the Y, so it will become a feasible option once again.

Going forward

As I mentioned at the beginning of this piece, Dear Jackrabbit is going to be covering a lot of stuff now with minimum-weekly postings. Half or more of those postings will be labeled “My Diabetic Year” as I chronicle some of this journey–not just with diabetes, but health and maintenance overall. 

There will be bad days. Of this, I am certain. Days when my mood is low, or days when my blood sugar isn’t reading what I think it should be. It’s a one day at a time sort of thing, though. Keep moving forward and have faith that there will be more good days than bad. 

You’re welcome to read. Or not. To be honest, I’m writing these more for myself than anyone else. In the original spirit of “Dear Jackrabbit,” I am also thinking of future Jack reading these journal entries so he can understand his old man better at this particular time of Jack’s own life. 

So it all comes together. Nothing is really wasted.

Until next time.


P.S. I hate WordPress’s newest version. Jeez.

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About jdteehan

John is a proud geek and nerd, a publisher, a freelancer, and a new dad. He's into books, gaming, and music. He's a good cook, a passing musician and artist, and terrible fisherman. The biggest thing in his life right now is being a new dad and he has started a blog all about that. Visit for more on that. Also visit for word on publishing projects.
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